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Through his infectious smile, this Doctor of Psychology reminds his audience to remain grateful. He empowers youth and adults alike to be the calm in the middle of their personal storms. He does this by simply passing along tools he has picked up while on his personal journey. As impressive as obtaining a doctorate degree in his twenties may be, Dr. Nate rejoices in the fact that even though he was diagnosed with a learning disability, held back in the first-grade, and had frequent trips to the principal’s office, he was able to learn from those hurdles and smile as he raced towards his dreams. Dr. Nate prides himself most on his ability to listen. He hears the voices of those who feel as though their voice has been ignored, smothered, or misunderstood. He has the unique ability to hear what the audience is scared to mention, that may lead to their breakthrough. Dr. Nate bridges the gap between generations and between various walks of life, so that all can better hear each other. When audiences cross paths with Dr. Nate, they come into contact with an impossibility that motivates them to explore their possibility, with a bright light that encourages those in the dark to shine, with a voice of conviction that inspires those silenced to stand-up loud in their truth, and with a guide that will go with them to their darkest places in order for them to come out transformed. Dr. Nate is a foremost authority on at-risk youth and works diligently as an at-risk youth motivational speaker as well as one of the most sought after community personal success and community engagement speakers.

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